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Elicit, the gateway to a vibrant journey at IBA-JU Business Club! 


Our club is designed to identify and nurture the latent potential within the incoming talent pool and we believe that “Elicit”, a rebranded form of our recruitment program, is the gateway for  emerging leaders to embark on a dynamic voyage in the business world.


At ‘Elicit,’ we do not just recruit; we harness and celebrate the potential that propels future leaders into the limelight. In this few days long journey, we foster an environment where every participant is encouraged to push boundaries and embrace their entrepreneurial  qualities. Our finely crafted challenges and activities are designed to draw out your innate leadership qualities, setting the stage for your journey towards success.


On our latest Elicit 2.0, enthusiastic juniors joined on respective days filled with assessments that challenged, activities that inspired, and interactions that forged connections. We believe in blending professionalism with a touch of fun because we understand that great leaders are not just skilled, they are charismatic and adaptable. To sum up, this is your chance to step into the spotlight, where your journey as a business luminary begins from IBA-JU.

Contact Us For Any Queries and Updates.

Nurture | Lead | Transcend
Transcending Leadership

Email: ibaju.businessclub@gmail.com
Phone: +8801941789124


Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh